Stairway to... Heaven??

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Here I am again!

First of all, thank you all (almost 20 persons) for reading my lat post. It was a record!

Let's talk about what you may find here if you come without speaking English. Lot of people imagine that it's easy. Well, and it is, indeed... I mean, you do can live in London without saying a word in English. That's totally true. There are so many Brazilians, and they (we) help so hardly each other (on how to find a home, what you have to do to move around the city, how to find a job, specially) that all you have to know is how to get some food. I have friends whose live here for more than 5 years and all they are able to speak is "Hi, how're doing?".

The problem is that if you do that you'll never grow up. You will be cleaner for the rest of your life. And when somebody says you can learn at work, forget it! People here speak English so badly that it makes me feel like a native English guy. Which is terrible! I just can't speak English yet! And everybody says "Oh, your English is pretty good". Come on!!!! Do you, my dear reader, really think that? I don't!

When I came here I thought: "It can't be so hard. I'll do the waiter and that's it, right?". Right?? Waiter?????? Have you ever tried to manage a (tray)??? It's impossible for me, OK? Once I did a trial shift in a restaurant at Leicester Square. Oh my God... That day certainly was the worst of my life! Have you ever realised that waiters and runners work wearing shoes? They work 10 hours a day wearing shoes! How is it possible? OK... As soon as I arrived, the manager told me that one guy would "teach me all the stuffs". "OK, it can't be so difficult" I thought. Teach me? Sure... "your job is set up the tables as soon as the costumers leave them and delivery the plates and the drinks. Simple like that". After a while, seeing I was completely lost, he asked me how many plates I could take. "2!!!", I said to myself. Than, he started to take about 6 plates... "can you do that?". I answered I probably could. Now I ask my self: why???? Why didn't I just run away from that?? Of course I couldn't! I've never tried that before!

He said to me I should practice when I wasn't busy... WHEN??? 6 hours running, my dear...
When I realised I definitely couldn't, I went for the drink section. Again: WHY???? After 5 times I went to the tables, I was still doing it like I was Parkinson! And at the 6th time I drop (tray)!! ON THE COSTUMERS!!!

So.. Stairway to Heaven? I don't think so...

There's more, but I think perhaps it's enough for now.

See ya!!

PS: I'm still waiting for your comments!!

Fool in the Rain

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Well, after almost 1 year whiteout writing on this Blog, here I am! And, as you could note, in English. Perhaps you might be asking yourself: 'Why's that?'. There are many reasons, indead, but let's take a look at the key-points:

First of all, for training my English, off course. As I'm a 'TLPP' (Totally Low Profile Person) and a 'No Man', that is, no readers, no followers, no famous, no rich, etc, if I write something(s) wrong, IT DOESN'T MATTER!! No one will be reading anyway! But you can change that and help yourself and me as well. How? That's the next point.

If you, my dear reader (if there is one at least), speak English, you can kindly send me an email with your comments about some mistakes I might have on my posts now on. It'd be very helpful, believe me.

If, in the other hand, you're just like me and are learning English, please be my guest and enjoy the club.

*Se você não fala inglês, peça ajuda ao pai dos burros (o Google), e veja que resultado formidável você terá misturando meu belíssimo ingrê com a belíssima tradução do Google!!!

I'll let you know about every single new post As I'll be posting it on my social networks (twitter, Facebook, orkut, MSN, Skype...).

The main idea is sharing my experiences since I came to Europe. Once there is any important news from here I'll be writing about it as well. So that you
can think 1000 times before coming... Hehehe

Se yeah. Have a nice reading and enjoy me on this new journey!

Crying For Nothing

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Dizem que o ser humano vive por um objetivo. Pode até ser verdade, mas muitas vezes vivemos simplesmente nos deixando levar. E a partir dos acontecimentos, traçamos o norte de nossas vidas.

Deveria estar escrevendo sobre a viagem em si. Amanhã. Hoje não.

Hoje vou falar um pouco de como nos lamentamos por tão pouco e como sempre queremos mais, mesmo tendo tudo na mão.

O ser humano é, por natureza, desconfiado, ganancioso, ambicioso, curioso e burro. BURRO? Como assim burro, você, leitor deste blog bem mal atualizado, pode estar se perguntando.

Sim, é legal tecnologia, muros, casas, prédios, descobertas de curas... Mas para que fazemos isso se, no fundo, estamos destruindo o conceito de civilização, de sociedade? Para que tudo isso se, ao invés de nos juntarmos, estamos nos afastando, descriminando, poluindo?

E sabe o que significa tudo isso? Que, no fundo, queremos sempre mais, embora tenhamos tudo. Isso vale para tudo. Mundo trabalho, amor.

Se o ser humano está chegando perto da felicidade absoluta um dispositivo de auto-preservação é imediatamente acionado, destruindo parte do que construiu. Para quê? Ué. Para ter que conseguir tudo de novo. De que vale viver se já tem tudo?

Olhe ao redor. Veja se você, um amigo, um(a) companheiro(a) ou familiar já não ativou esse dispositivo e, caso não ainda não o tenha feito, desconfie (como todo bom ser humano) a próxima "vítima" pode ser você.

E o mais importante: não se julgue tanto quando fizer o mesmo.

E até a próxima!